関税局―11月末セーフガード対象品目通関済み数量公表 12月27日
CTB announces the safeguard items clearance volume reports by the end of October
The volume of imported safeguarded items or Tariff Quota items, have been monitored and the figures have been shared at the Safeguard portal. The portal provides the cleared amounts out of allocated amounts by respective EPSs and by the items at the end of previous month.
関税局―特別緊急関税の発動―乳製品(バターなど)及びイヌリン 1月1日発動 12月27日
CTB decides triggering special emergency duty on some dairy produce (butter) and inulin
MOF-CTB announces as under that the tentative duty rates set in Temporary Tariff Measures Act (lower tariff) is not applicable from January 1, 2020 resulting from the mobilization of Article 7-3 of the Temporary Tariff Measure Act. This means the quota volume set in the Act had been imported by November 30.
They are some produce and preparations fall in HS 0405.10, 0405.20, 0405.90 and 1108.20
関税局―日米貿易協定関連資料公表(最新) 12月27日
CTB shares tariff, origin and other U.S.- Japan trade Agreement the latest related documents
関税局―NACCS用輸入品目分類コード10桁目公表 12月26日済
Classification code for imported good extended from 9 digits to 10 for origin and other purposes
CTB announces as under that some of the classification numbers in Japan’s Tariff are extended to 10 digits when imported goods are filed through automated filing system known as NACCS.
The 10th digit functions as origin status indication, consumption tax exemption and other monitoring purposes.
関税局―貿易統計12月上旬分 12月26日
Trade statistics for first 10days in December 2019
CTB shares valuation advance ruling information as under
In which, customs valuation office rules the buying commission paid by the importer/buyer in accordance with the contract is not included in the goods’ value for import filing.
The freights paid by the agent for importer/buyer and balanced later are to be added as tax base is C.I.F. is another issue included in the customs ruling.
東京税関―統計特集ナッツの輸入統計分析 12月24日
Import Trend analysis – nuts
Tokyo Customs Statistics Section has shared its trade trend analysis periodically, and the office takes on nuts in HS 0801 and HS 0802. And they are almonds, cashewnuts, walnuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, pecans and hazelnuts.