Advice sought after (March 20 2021)
I listen to and dictate BBC programs to deter and delay dementia. And oftentimes I come to words and phrases which I cannot catch. It would be appreciated if you tell me what they are saying and also correcting my incorrect catching.
Thanks in advance.
BBC Radio 4 - Word of Mouth, Being a Polyglot
Word of Mouth 20210119 Being a Polyglot
I think not everybody responds well to the way in which languages are first introduced to them, which maybe through school system.
I think not everybody responds well to do in vocabulary tests, Learning irregular verbs, to study in languages as an academic subject.
It is really unfortunate if you live in a monolingual
country, and your parents can speak one language. That will be your first and possibly only contact xx(1)xx learning foreign language will be doing at school as if you are learning physics or chemistry or math or anything like that.
But good news is that. As adult, we have all sorts of option for learning a different language and I really hope people take this option, try and find the way of learning the best suit to them, best suit to personality, their learning style.
You know, xx(2)xx maybe just like watching films in different language and picking up xxxx things you can hear or maybe looking at xx(3)xx words. Maybe you like have learning with a teacher, maybe you like reading. So many different ways in learning a language. And for me, I think learning anything is really really personal process. Not something can happen in a classroom. xx(4)xx people you really have to find what works best for you and find your own way.