関税局―英国のEU離脱に伴うEPA移行期間について 1月31日
CTB announces the EUEPA transition plan for Brexit
関税局―特別緊急関税の発動―乳製品(ミルク・クリーム) 2月1日発動 1月31日
CTB decides triggering special emergency duty on some dairy produce (milk and cream)
MOF-CTB announces as under that the tentative duty rates set in Temporary Tariff Measures Act (lower tariff) is not applicable from February 1, 2020 resulting from the mobilization of Article 7-3 of the Temporary Tariff Measure Act. This means the quota volume set in the Act had been imported by December 31 2019.
They are some produce and preparations fall in HS 0401.40 and 0401.50
関税局―12月末セーフガード対象品目通関済み数量公表 1月31日
CTB announces the safeguard items clearance volume reports by the end of December
The volume of imported safeguarded items or Tariff Quota items, have been monitored and the figures have been shared at the Safeguard portal. The portal provides the cleared amounts out of allocated amounts by respective EPSs and by the items at the end of previous month.
植物防疫―EU及びスイスの植物防疫体制情報を更新 1月30日
Plant Protection shares information on EU’s and Switzerland’s Plant Protection measures
Plant Protection Office has been collection the information on other countries’ plant protection enforcement and updated EU’s and Switzerland’s to as of January 27 2020.
関税局―貿易統計1月上旬分 1月30日
Trade statistics for first 10days in January 2020
MLIT released real-estate price index for October 2019
MLIT collected real-estate price data for the month and released the analysis results based on IMF models of which baseline index is 100 in the year of 2010.
And respective figures are:
Land price 99.3, Home 100.5, Condominium 147.4